OpenSolaris Close

Oracle related blog closure is that of Joerg Moellenkamp who has closed his Solaris oriented blog, which was home to the “Lesser Known Solaris Features” (LKSF) tutorial. Moellenkamp, an Oracle employee, says the offlining of the blog is not because of health issues, that there were no technical problems and no copyright issues, but beyond that he will not say why he has taken the decision. The LKSF tutorial has been saved from the shutdown and is available to downloadPDF. The closure of the c0t0d0s0 blog does though reduce the already meagre number of Solaris blogs further.

It is worth noting that Oracle, as a company, has never been comfortable with employee blogging. Oracle appears to regard blogs as mostly a function of its public relations department and it is said that the complexity of working with the PR department to approve postings is sufficient that many either give up or don’t try.



VNCserver on Solaris

Install & configure Xvncserver on Solaris10 OS

You will find SFWvnc package from Solaris10 companion-i386-sol10 CD  You can download it from or install it with command

bash-3.00# pkgadd -d . SFWvnc

and after install vncserver on Solaris you will have service FMRI for it

svcs -a | grep -i x11


and edit 2 files

1 – vi /etc/services or

echo  > vnc-server      5900/tcp       #Xvnc Server Added by Hosam

2 – vi /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf


Enable = true


DisallowTCP = false

AllowRoot = true

AllowRemoteRoot = true

and just run the service from FMRI

svcadm enable svc:/application/x11/xvnc-inetd:default

and try to run vncview from any platform to connect to Solaris BOX 😉

lofiadm Solaris Mount an ISO Image

Just like linux loopback device Sun Solaris UNIX has lofi loopback file driver. The lofi file driver exports a file as a block device. Reads and writes to the block device are translated to reads and writes on the underlying file. This is useful when the file
contains a file system image (such as ISO image). Exporting it as a block device
through the lofi file driver allows normal system utilities to operate on the image through the block device like mount and fsck. This is useful for accessing CD-ROM and FAT floppy images.

lofiadm is command you need to use mounting an existing CD-ROM image under Sun Solaris UNIX. This is useful when the file contains an image of some flesystem (such as a floppy or CD-ROM image), because the block device can then be used with the normal system utilities for mounting, checking or repairing filesystem

Mounting an Existing ISO CD-ROM Image under Solaris UNIX

We have image with name cd.iso, you can type command

# lofiadm -a /path/to/cd.iso



Please note that the file name argument on lofiadm must be fully  qualified and the path must be absolute

not relative (thanks to mike for  tip). /dev/lofi/1 is the device, use the same to mount iso image

with mount command:

# mount -o ro -F hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
# cd /mnt
# ls -l
# df -k /mnt

Mount the loopback device as a randomly accessible file system with

#mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/X /mnt.

Alternatively, use this combined format:

#mount -F hsfs -o ro `lofiadm -a /path/to/image.iso` /mnt

Unmount and detach the images

Use umount command to unmount image:
# umount /mnt

Now remove/free block device:
# lofiadm -d /dev/lofi/1

For more information read lofiadm and lofi man pages by typing the  following command:

man lofiadm

Configuring the NFS Server for Sharing Resources

When the mountd and nfsd daemons are running, you can use the share command to make file resources available:

share [ -F nfs ] [ -o options ] [ -d description ] [ pathname ]


share Command Options

Option Description
-F nfs Specifies the file system type. This option is not typically required, because NFS is the default remote file system type.
-o options Controls a client’s access to an NFS shared resource.
-d description Describes the shared file resource.
pathname Specifies the absolute path name of the resource for sharing.

Note: Unless you specify an option to the share command, for example, -F nfs, the system

uses the file system type from the first line of the /etc/dfs/fstypes file

To share a file resource from the command line, you can use the share command. For

example, to share the /usr/local/data directory as a read-only shared resource, perform the command:

#share -o ro /usr/local/data

By default, NFS-mounted resources are available with read and write privileges based on standard Solaris OS file permissions. Access decisions are based ona comparison of the user ID (UID) of the client and the owner.

The share Command

Option Description
Informs clients that the server accepts only read requests.
Allows the server to accept read and write requests from the client
Informs clients that the root user on the specified client system or systems can perform superuser-privileged requests on the shared resource
Allows read requests from the specified access list
Allows read and write requests from the specified access list, as shown in the table

Access List Options

Option Description
Allows access based on a colon-separated list of one
Allows access based on a network number (for example, @192.168.100) or a network name (for example, The network name must be defined in the /etc/networks file.
Allows access based on a Domain Name System (DNS) domain; the dot (.) identifies the value as a DNS domain.
Allows access based on a configured net group (Network Information Service [NIS] or Network Information Service Plus [NIS+] only).
Sets n to be the effective user ID (EUID) of anonymous users. By default, anonymous users are given the EUID 60001 (UID_NOBODY). If n is set to -1, access is denied.

You can combine these options by separating each option with commas, which forms

intricate accessrestrictions. The following examples show some of the more commonly used options:

# share -F nfs -o ro directory
This command restricts access to NFS-mounted resources to read-only access.
# share -F nfs -o ro,rw=client1 directory
This command restricts access to NFS-mounted resources to read-only access;
however, the NFS server accepts both read and write requests from the client
named client1.
# share -F nfs -o root=client2 directory
This command allows the root user on the client named client2 to have
superuser access to the NFS-mounted resources.
# share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 directory
By setting the option anon=0, the EUID for access to shared resources
by an anonymous user is set to 0.The access is also set to read-only.
While setting the EUID to 0, the same UID as the root user,
might seem to open up security access, the UID of 0 is converted to
the user identity of nobody.This has the effect that an anonymous user
from a client host,where the UID of that user is not known
on the server host, is treated as the user called nobody by
the server (UID=60001).

# share -F nfs \
-o ro=client1:client2,rw=client3:client4,root=client4 directory
This command shares the directory to the four named hosts only. The hosts,
client1 and client2,have read-only access. The hosts client3 and client4 have
read-write access. The root user from host client4 has root privilege access
to the shared directory and its contents.
The share command writes information for all shared file resources to the
/etc/dfs/sharetab file. The file contains a table of the local shared resources.

Note: If no argument is specified, the share command displays a list of
all the currently shared file resources.

# share
-              /usr/local/data   ro   "Shared data files"
-              /rdbms_files   rw,root=sys01   "Database files"

Making File Resources Unavailable for Mounting

Use the unshare command to make file resources unavailable for mount operations. This command reads the /etc/dfs/sharetab file.
unshare [ -F nfs ] pathname

unshare Command
Option Description
-F nfs
Specifies NFS as the file system type. Because NFS is the default remote file system type, you do not have to specify this option.
Specifies the path name of the file resource to unshare.

For example, to make the /export/sys44_data directory unavailable for

client-side mount operations,perform the command:# unshare /usr/local/data

Sharing and Unsharing All NFS Resources

Use the shareall and unshareall commands to share and unshare all NFS resources.

The shareall command, when used without arguments, shares all resources listed

in the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.

shareall [ -F nfs ]

The unshareall command, when used without arguments, unshares currently 

shared file resources listed in the /etc/dfs/sharetab file.
unshareall [ -F nfs ] 




Will Oracle Let OpenSolaris Wither and Die?


When Oracle began the acquisition of Sun, few doubted that MySQL was the main asset of interest. With MySQL still breathing six months later, users hoped Sun’s other projects would survive as well. But despite Oracle’s early claims and intermittent assurances that OpenSolaris would remain open source software, very little else has been said. Some, including the OpenSolaris Governing Board, are beginning to think OpenSolaris will be allowed to die a slow and quiet death.

On July 12 The OpenSolaris Governing Board unanimously carried a motion to set a deadline of August 16 for Oracle to appoint a liaison “who has the authority to talk about the future of OpenSolaris and its interaction with the OpenSolaris community.” Otherwise, on August 23 the OGB will evoke a clause in their charter that will return control of the OpenSolaris community to Oracle. This effectively disbands the OpenSolaris Governing Board and will surely mean the end of OpenSolaris.

The six months of silence concerning OpenSolaris has left board members angry and frustrated. Faced with only the options of doing nothing, trying to continue to work in spite of Oracle’s apathy, or forcing the issue; board members can do nothing but wait for now. A motion to resign immediately was defeated 3-3-1. All other meetings have been suspended until the August 16 deadline and future plans will depend on the response from Oracle.

In addition, lead Solaris developer, Greg Lavender, left Oracle in June with little or no information from either party. Anonymous sources inside the company confirmed the departure of Lavender but offered no other details. Solaris and OpenSolaris releases and snapshots have been missing or significantly delayed since Oracle’s take-over and many are beginning to fear the worst for these two Unix-based operating systems. They are obviously not a priority for Oracle.

At the same time that the news of the ultimatum broke, Jaspersoft released the results of their survey taken from open source community members about the future of Java and MySQL. 43% of respondents stated they believe that MySQL will fare well under Oracle and 80% believe the same of Java. Interestingly, of those thinking of switching databases, PostgreSQL was the number one choice. The latest release of MySQL came June 17 with 5.1.48 and 3.2.1 was released June 4.

In unrelated news, Larry Ellison lost a bidding war for the Oakland, CA based Golden State Warriors basketball team to Joe Lacob.

Update: On July 21 developer and now Oracle employee, Alan Coopersmith, posted an email concerning of the needed updates to IPS distro-import package definitions in Nevada build 145. No hints were given as when a release might surface, but the email does raise hope that OpenSolaris may survive afterall. Or perhaps it’s a case of ‘the employees are the last to know.’

What’s New in OpenSolaris 2010.05

Draft “What’s new in OpenSolaris 2010.05” document

1. Introduction

OpenSolaris 2010.05 is the latest release of the OpenSolaris Operating System, a powerful and complete operating environment for users. developers and deployers. OpenSolaris prides itself on being a secure, stable, and highly scalable system. The OpenSolaris OS is open source software and freely re-distributable, and provides all the tools users expect from a modern computing environment. Additional software can easily be installed from online network package repositories.

OpenSolaris 2010.05 is available in many forms – from a Live CD for x86/x64 to a hands off Automated Install for SPARC and x86/x64.

Download OpenSolaris 2010.05 today.

Read more

What’s New in OpenSolaris 2010.03 (DRAFT)

What’s New in OpenSolaris 2010.03 (DRAFT)

1. Introduction

OpenSolaris 2010.03 is the latest release of the OpenSolaris Operating System, a powerful and complete operating environment for users. developers and deployers. OpenSolaris prides itself on being a secure, stable, and highly scalable system. The OpenSolaris OS is open source software and freely re-distributable, and provides all the tools users expect from a modern computing environment. Additional software can easily be installed from online network package repositories.

OpenSolaris 2010.03 is available in many forms – from a Live CD for x86/x64 to a hands off Automated Install for SPARC and x86/x64.

Download OpenSolaris 2010.03 today.

2. What’s new for administrators

Oracle Solaris 10 Containers

Oracle Solaris 10 Containers are branded zones that host Oracle Solaris 10 10/09 and later user environments. They provide a method for seamlessly migrating Oracle Solaris workloads where the zone is running on OpenSolaris.

The “solaris10” branded zone is a complete runtime environment for Oracle Solaris 10 applications. The brand is supported on all sun4v, sun4u, and x86 architecture machines where OpenSolaris is supported.

The brand includes the tools required to install a Oracle Solaris 10 system image into a non-global zone. A physical-to-virtual (P2V) capability is used to directly migrate an existing Oracle Solaris 10 system into a non-global zone on a target system. The brand also supports the tools used to migrate an existing Oracle Solaris 10 native zone to a solaris10 non-global zone.

Triple-Parity RAID with ZFS

The need for triple-parity RAID has increased as the disparity between disk capacity and throughput grows. As disks in RAID systems take longer to reconstruct (also known as resilver), the reliability of the total system decreases due to increased periods running in a degraded state should any failures occur. OpenSolaris 2010.03 includes triple-parity RAID in ZFS, meeting the needs of a highly-available storage environment. For more detail, see Adam Leventhal’s blog.

ZFS now includes the ability to split an existing zpool. Administrators can now extract one disk from each mirrored top-level vdev and use them to create a new pool with an exact copy of the data. The new pool can then be imported on any machine that supports the pool’s version.

Save space with ZFS

Deduplication is a feature of modern storage platforms by which varying mechanisms are employed to reduce the amount of total data stored by eliminating and sharing common components. ZFS deduplication support has been added for OpenSolaris 2010.03. ZFS deduplication uses checksum based comparison of blocks with optional verification (for example with non-cryptographically secure checksums). Deduplication is performed across the entire ZFS storage pool; administrators can select if individual datasets have deduplication enabled or not. This is useful in mixed-mode environments in which some datasets have highly duplicated data (e.g. virtualized images, home directories, or email folders) and others are unique (e.g. databases).

read More

KDE on OpenSolaris

Install Final Version of KDE Desktop on OpenSolaris

it’s very simple and quick

1- Add repository for KDE inside your IPS system with Manager of Package or use Command Line from Terminal

with this Command

pfexec pkg set-authority -O bionicmutton
2- Refresh pkg Repository

with Command

pfexec pkg refresh bionicmutton
3- You must Add base to have KDE

with Command

pfexec pkg install KDEbase-apps  KDEgdm-integration

After that You Must to logout from your Desktop and relogin with new Desktop (KDE)
and there is more version and more packages for KDE from all this repository

Use for KDE version 4.3.1

(This is the version I’ve mostly been using and it seems fine)

Use for KDE version 4.3.80

(Not tested yet)

User for KDE version 4.3.85

(I have only tested this today and Konqueror and KMail keep crashing)

This first pkg installs the KDE distribution, the second allows the user to choose KDE from the login menu.

Hosam Al Ali

hAvE fUn

Official Sun supported IPS repositories for OpenSolaris

You might be wondering what are the various IPS servers that Sun is supporting, what ever you are a free user of OpenSolaris, or a registered user requiring professional support on OpenSolaris, on HA Cluster, on the Sun Web Stack or the GlassFish Web Space Server.

So let’s review the various IPS server we do have actually:

If you are a registered user (whithout any support contract, but you need to register at, you can have freely access to:

If you have bought support from Sun, you’ll then have access to (you’ll receive a key and a certificate to access them)

There are many other IPS servers, not supported by Sun, that you can use to download OpenSource software. Be aware that not all softwares are available in IPS format (latest Adobe reader from Adobe, latest NVidia drivers, …).

The last usefull OpenSource software resource I would like to remind is where a lot of OpenSource software has been compiled for OpenSolaris (have a look here).